Soon you will find here the website of HOMERCO B.V.

HOMERCO B.V. has more than 25 years of world wide experience, with a focus on Europe, Middle East, Southern Africa, North America and South East Asia.

HOMERCO B.V. is your partner for the following activities:

Interim international- project, contract & business development management in the below focus areas:

* Consultancy & Compliance Management for Business in (formerly) Sanctioned Countries

* Financial Services & Solutions for Business with (formerly) Sanctioned Countries

* Checks & Recommendations on local business partners

* Transformer Explosion & Fire Protection (see also Sergi Transformer Protection)

* Broadband Solutions (see also mer-group)

* Electrical Power, High Voltage T&D & Protection Equipment

* World wide Quality Inspections at OEM Plants for Large Power Transformers & HV Switch Gear  

Contact us for further information.


Matthijs de Heus
General Manager

+31 6 53 895755 mob
+31 35 52 33 791 fax

Office address:
Binnendelta 11 A
1261 WZ Blaricum
The Netherlands

Regular mail address:
Teylingen 7
1275 CX Huizen
The Netherlands